Sports Gambling Investment Fund

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The Roundhill Sports Betting & iGaming ETF (“BETZ ETF”) is designed to offer retail and institutional investors exposure to sports betting and iGaming industries by providing investment results that closely correspond, before fees and expenses, to the performance of the Roundhill Sports Betting & iGaming Index (“BETZ Index”).

Sports betting hedge funds may be the investment tool of the future.

It was only a matter of time that the suits on Wall Street noticed the massive financial opportunities provided by sports betting.

Sports Gambling Investment Fund

Answer: Sports hedge funds are companies that bet on sports markets for a profit, treating them exactly the same as traditional asset classes like shares or currencies. Entity sports betting is being touted as a viable, legitimate investment by some outfits that supposedly operate on the same principles as mutual funds. These outfits assert that a sports wager is.

Priomha Capital (The Cloney Multi-Sport Investment Fund) is undoubtedly the largest, most successful and most notable of all the sports betting hedge funds. Established in 2009, Priomha invests in sporting events which stretching across different professional leagues. The Roundhill Sports Betting & iGaming ETF (BETZ) debuted Thursday as the first exchange traded fund focusing on the sports wagering and internet casino segments – two of the fastest-growing.

In the last few years, sports betting has seen a meteoric jump in popularity and acceptance among mainstream society. Hedge funds have also been shown to be both incredibly volatile and extremely lucrative.

It makes total sense that the two worlds would meet and present investors with the chance to cash in.

Alternative Investments

Hedge funds are nothing new to those familiar with the investment game. These alternative investments use a pool of funds collected from investors to go after a high yield return.


These “hedge funds” don’t receive the same regulations and oversight as your typical mutual fund. If you are in the market for a safe, low yield investment option, hedge funds are not for you.

Slow and steady may win the race, but fast and loose may get you a considerable ROI. ROI or return on investment is old hat to most sports bettors and casino gamblers for that matter.

Using the pooled money and spreading investments around these high risk, high reward investments mitigate some associated risks.

Only accredited investors are allowed to operate hedge funds. This is where the two worlds collide.

NBA Owner Has a Bright Idea

Billionaire businessman Mark Cuban initially pitched the notion of sports betting hedge funds in the early 2000s. You can imagine the attention this garnered from the business world.

Cuban remains well respected in the business world and the sports world. The Dallas Mavericks team owner and star of the hit show Shark Tank would be the clear choice for launching a sports betting hedge fund.

Unfortunately, the NBA had other ideas. You see, Cuban’s role as a team owner excluded him from being allowed to follow his vision to execution because of the league’s bylaws prohibiting him from gambling.

It’s too bad that he couldn’t follow through because the reasoning is sound. Cuban contended that sharp sports bettors are successful due to the fact that they have much more information about the teams involved.

Think about how much or little you know about the companies represented in your 401k or other mutual funds. I bet that you are far more familiar with your favorite NFL team.

Sports Gambling Investment Funds

There’s no shame in that. Far more people could name the Packers starting quarterback than the CEO of PepsiCo. Cuban understood this fact, and he knew that the potential return on sports betting is massive.

His contention that sports betting could see much more expected value with possibly less volatility didn’t fall on deaf ears. Although Cuban himself was forced to miss out, the idea was implemented within 5 years of introducing the notion.

Ideal Strategy for Today’s Climate

If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that sports will find a way. Through economic turndown and political turmoil, sports will always thrive. Why do sports always succeed in the face of global pandemics or large scale financial disaster?

Sports Betting Investment Fund

Because we demand it, and the money at the top of each league wields enough power to ensure the dollars continue pouring in.

COVID-19 shutdown the entire NBA on March 11, 2020. Much of the country followed. This mass closing included bars, restaurants, and theaters.

It also spurred the suspension of the NHL season and postponed MLB Opening Day. However, by July, NBA players were back in action.

The NHL followed and is currently deep into their Stanley Cup Playoffs. MLB is in full swing, having completed over half of the shortened 60+ game season.

The NFL is King Kong when it comes to revenue in the world of sports. That status translates to the NFL sports betting market as well.

The NFL was forced to cancel their preseason, but the league is scheduled to start in less than two weeks. The most blatant display of the power of professional sports is the following point.

Texas Governor Greg Abbot, the same man that has hamstrung small business by shuttering thousands of small local bars throughout the state, has given Jerry Jones and the Dallas Cowboys the green light to have fans in attendance when play begins.

In a world where many businesses are shut down completely, sports’ big business continues to fill the coffers.

Sports gambling investment fundsSports betting investment fund

The fact that sports exist in the face of a global pandemic shows what an excellent investment it can be. Airlines have struggled mightily, oil prices have dipped, and the S&P 500 has resembled an EKG reading.

Yet, there are plenty of games to bet on. Sports don’t care what the NASDAQ is doing. The show must go on. That’s enough for sports betting hedge funds to make tremendous earnings for its investors.

In short, sports betting hedge funds are mostly recession-proof.

Hedging Your Bets

Hedge funds are, by their nature, incredibly volatile. After all, the investors that shop hedge funds are looking for massive returns on their money.

That potential for huge gains comes with substantial risks. These risks are not altogether vanquished by choosing a sports betting hedge fund.

The key is proper management. Of course, whether you’re going with a “traditional” hedge fund or a traditional hedge fund, even with the best asset management, there may be losses.

In years like 2020, the hedge funds that focus on volatility should be theoretically shredding when it comes to profits. Yet many have been enduring catastrophic failures.

In fact, sports betting hedge funds should be able to generate significant gains without market leverage. This largely eliminates the great downsides associated with other alternative assets.

Sports betting hedge funds aren’t immune to this volatility, but they are less likely to endure the pitfall. That is contingent on the responsible management of the funds available.

Hits and Misses

Centaur Galileo provides a cautionary tale for both investors and possible clients. Initially, the company’s earnings were exceptional. Many felt that Cuban’s vision incarnate was bound for a bright future and many millions in returns annually.

However, there was a storm brewing on the horizon. The newly minted firm shot for rapid expansion, going so far as to open a dedicated training center for fresh analysts.

In a short three years, the company went from the peak of being on the leading edge of the innovative investing strategy to being completely dissolved. Investors were out over $2,500,000 when the doors closed on the eager project.

Don’t be frightened into a mindset that all of these sports betting investments are doomed to fail.

Priomha Capital Group came on the scene about one year after Centaur Galileo with far less fanfare. The Australian firm hasn’t blown anybody out of the water with insane claims of 30% ROIs. They have quietly impressed their clients and onlookers with a return of over 16%.

Most impressive is the fact that they’ve averaged that return for almost a decade. That’s the type of investment that just about anyone with funds to grow would jump on.

That’s more than doubling your money every five years. You won’t be getting that type of return on your typical IRA.

Priomha Capital Group has impacted sports betting hedge funds by playing smart and executing excellent bankroll management.

Are Sports Betting Hedge Funds Right for You?

Savvy investors have made some beautiful profits on sports betting hedge funds. They clearly understand the risks associated with this kind of alternative asset.

Let’s not get so swept up in all of the potential money flooding through the door. Some investors have lost huge sums on the risky investments.

You need to be confident in the type of investment you’re seeking. If you are in the market for a steady means to build wealth for retirement or to put the kids in a good financial position after college, you may be better off with traditional investments.

Suppose you are looking to make an investment where you can earn significant profits and are not opposed to the apparent risk. You may quickly see your account double in size.

Each of us is as unique in our investment strategies and styles as we are in our gambling. My advice is to speak to a professional wealth management consultant and make a plan that suits you as an individual.


Sports betting hedge funds combine the fiscally responsible aspect of investing and the fast-paced lucrative nature of sports betting. Gaining a somewhat shaky start as an NBA owner’s brainchild, these alternative investments have established themselves as viable investment portfolios.

I’m eager to see what the future holds for sports betting hedge funds. It’s far past time the rest of us enjoyed Billy Walters-like success in the sports betting game.

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